Business AI Audit

Business AI Audit

Identify opportunities to leverage AI in your business.

Trusted by Australian companies

You want AI, but you don’t know where to start.

Leveraging AI is critical to your business growth.
But where do you begin?

The first step in the journey is to understand your current business state.

  • Rapidly changing technology

  • Fear of missing the next big thing

  • Already overworked

  • Too much hype and scepticism

  • Resources are already constrained

Wulfe discovered their AI potential in one week

Now they’re leading the competition with AI, pushing creative boundaries and delivering better work in less time.

“Processes that took 30+ hours now require less than 2 hours. It was really painful before Clear AI.”

— Ben and Tyla Yong, Wülfe

Discover the potential of AI in your business

A Clear AI Audit shows you exactly where your business is at and identifies opportunities to create your AI plan.

Benchmark your business

benchmark your business

Identify new AI opportunities

identity new opportunities

Identify your next steps

next steps with AI

Take the first step

Conduct an Audit

Look at people, processes and technologies.

Benchmark key processes.

Identify opportunities to leverage AI technologies.

Establish a current state to measure ROI.

Develop a Strategy and Roadmap

Assess risks.

Choose an approach.

Get strategic alignment.

Develop a roadmap.

Pilot new technologies

Create selective pilots.

Small scale implementation.

Identify AI champions.

Document learnings.

Build your team capabilities

Educating management.

Staff awareness training.

Team hackathons.


AI Audit

from $2,500

discovery session

Discovery Session

The initial consult with key staff creates foundational knowledge of your business objectives and which processes can become AI-powered.

ai audit + report

Audit + Report

The Audit Report outlines the key opportunities for AI within your business and the potential ROI.

AI case studies

AI Case Studies

Learn from other businesses achieving real results with AI technologies.


Access to Community + Resources

Receive 3 months access to our exclusive community and up-to-date resources. (coming soon)

Josh Phillips AI Consultant Brisbane

Discover how Clear AI can help your business unlock the benefits of AI.

Get started today

How much value could AI bring your business?

Potential Value


Current estimates show that AI can improve productivity from 13.8% for customer service agents to 126% for programmers. Get an estimate for how much value AI could generate for you.

Nielsen Norman Group

AI ROI Calculator


AI ROI Calculator

How do you know if a tool is worth it or not? Use our ROI calculator to make the case for using AI.

  • The first step to utilising AI is to understand the current state of your business, its opportunities, and abilities to adopt AI.

    A Clear AI Audit shows you exactly where your business is at and identifies opportunities to create your AI plan.

  • Yes, we offer training programs to train your management and team to use AI effectively.

  • Your Audit Report includes recommended next steps, along with a session with our team to discuss pathways of using AI to meet your business objectives.