
Clear AI is your full-service AI partner.

The drop and run consulting model isn’t fit for purpose…

Clear AI is with you for the long haul. We work with you at all stages of the business and process, developing a plan, piloting projects and improving organisational capability.

Our approach: No lengthy contracts. Clear steps. Skin in the game partnership. Your success is our success.


AI Audit

from $2,500

A Clear AI Audit shows you exactly where your business is at and identifies opportunities to create your AI plan.

  • Look at people, processes and technologies.

  • Benchmark key processes.

  • Identify opportunities to leverage AI technologies.

  • Establish a current state to measure ROI.



from $5,000 per month

We guide you through the journey of developing your AI strategy, implementing technologies and building team capabilities.


  • AI Strategy + Roadmap

  • AI Training for leadership and team

  • Internal Hackathons

  • Pilot programs

  • Coaching

  • Tools and Resources

  • Access to community

5 spots available.

Speak to our team

Discover how Clear AI can help your business unlock the benefits of AI.

Prices quoted AUD$ exGST.