AI Training

Empower your team to use AI effectively.

Trusted by Australian companies

Great outcomes begin with your team

Once you get an AI Strategy in place, the real challenge starts: Helping your team adopt the tools you’ve invested in.

  • New habits don’t just happen, they’re learned

  • Team members have varying knowledge of AI

  • Privacy concerns if AI not used appropriately

  • Staff dismiss AI if they don’t get an instant result

Common problems we see:

Empower your team to do good work with AI

Our training solutions get your team exited about AI, not scared by it. We build your team’s capability and confidence through structured learning and 1:1 coaching.

Remove the fear of AI adoption

benchmark your business

Improve team productivity

identity new opportunities

Unleash creative problem solving

next steps with AI

72% of organisations are now using AI in at least one business function.

Generative AI alone could potentially lift Australian labor productivity by up to 1.1 percentage points annually.

Training programs

AI champion coaching

AI Awareness Training

AI awareness training helps your team understand the potential of generative AI and effective use cases. We deliver in-person or online training in a range of modes to suit your needs. Each training session is prepared in consultation with you and your team to ensure that it delivers the highest value possible.

internal hackathons

Internal Hackathons

We offer immersive on-site workshops where we train your team and facilitate sessions to tackle real business challenges using AI. These events are designed to be highly engaging and rewarding, offering your team the opportunity to collaborate intensively and achieve tangible outcomes.

Prompt engineering

Prompt Engineering

Prompt engineering training helps your team effectively interact with AI systems. Offered both in-person and online, our sessions are tailored to fit your specific requirements. Prompt engineering empowers your staff to develop critical thinking skills, enabling them to clearly define their objectives and allow AI to handle the heavy lifting.

AI awareness training

AI Champion Coaching

AI Champion Coaching empowers your appointed AI champion to become a catalyst for change within your organisation. We provide targeted coaching to equip them with the skills and mindset necessary to guide others in effectively utilising AI, ensuring your business develops a strong internal capability to harness AI's potential across all levels.

“Processes that took 30+ hours now require less than 2 hours. It was really painful before Clear AI.”

— Ben and Tyla Yong, Wülfe

Speak to our team

Josh Phillips AI Consultant Brisbane

Discover how Clear AI can help your business unlock the benefits of AI.

AI ROI Calculator


AI ROI Calculator

How do you know if a tool is worth it or not? Use our ROI calculator to make the case for using AI.


  • We offer a number of training programs including:

    • AI awareness training for leadership and staff (up to 100 people). This includes AI safety training.

    • Generative AI training

    • Prompt Engineering

    Every training is customised to your business objectives.

  • Yes. We recommend training directors and leadership before general staff training.

  • We believe training is an ongoing process. It's not a one-time event.

    We work with your business to generate the most value out of AI in the long term.